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Applying Ethical Principles in Managing Dilemmas
Using Ethical Guidelines to Handle Difficulties
Different problems arise for healthcare practitioners in their work. The majority of moral conundrums result from conflicting demands and obligations to uphold moral standards. As a result, choosing a decision frequently requires weighing options that contradict one another. In terms of ethical considerations, fairness, beneficence, non-maleficence, and autonomy are the main ethical concepts that serve as a framework for professional behavior.
An Accurate Analysis of the Case Study
The CEO of County General Hospital (CGH), a non-profit medical facility, is Matt Losinski. He is dedicated to reducing and removing any issues in his role, particularly those that could have an impact on patient care. Losinski believes that CGH may be experiencing the same problem as a hospital in central Texas after reading an article about the overuse of ER services. The majority of ED resources are used by fewer patients, according to the article’s data. Resolved to evaluate the potential misuse of ED services at CGH, Losinski forwards the item to his CFO. She does not, however, believe that the problem of recurrent admission merits consideration. According to her, Medicaid covers 75% of ED costs for qualified patients, with the balance of unpaid costs being covered by self-pay and private insurance subsidies. Losinski’s evaluation proved that some patients were overusing ED services. The majority of ED admissions are related to mild, general medical issues. Moreover, the hospital does not receive reimbursement for more than $200,000, even though Medicaid covers it.
Feeling that the problem had to be addressed right now, Losinski brings his research to the hospital’s executive committee, which consists of the president and all of the vice presidents. The committee’s responses range from believing that patients’ repeated ED admissions are not a big deal to believing that they are. All agree, however, that the hospital must follow the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), which mandates that all patients who visit an ED and are reimbursed by the federal government for their care must be stabilized.
Category: List of Solutions
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